Tag: stroke
Know Stroke Warnings and Call 911
Stroke remains Hawai‘i’s third leading cause of death and a leading cause of major disability. However, 80 percent of strokes are preventable. And those that do occur, in many cases, are treatable if symptoms are quickly recognized and treatment is quickly sought. Hawai‘i EMS data shows, however, that almost 50 percent of Hawai‘i stroke patients…
New Guidelines for High Blood Pressure
Let us start with this little fact: almost half of all adults in the United States are affected by hypertension. Recently published revised guidelines for the detection of high blood pressure mean that 46 percent of all Americans 18 years and older are now considered to have hypertension (otherwise known as high blood pressure).
Your Mind & Body
Signs of Stroke Each year in the United States, there are more than 700,000 strokes. Stroke is the third leading cause of death in the country. A stroke is a medical emergency. It occurs when the blood supply to part of the brain is reduced or interrupted. Nearly three-quarters of all strokes occur in people…