Tag: Social Security Administration

  • Social Security Helps Veterans

    November 11, Veterans Day, is a time to honor the men and women who risk their lives to protect our freedom. Join us in saluting the men and women of the armed forces. Be sure to say “thank you” to all veterans on this important day. At Social Security’s Wounded Warriors website: www.socialsecurity.gov/woundedwarriors, we answer…

  • Medicare and The Working Individual

    Take your family for ice cream and you’ll find a variety of flavors. Same with Social Security, most people think of retirement, but that’s like limiting yourself to vanilla. Social Security has a variety of benefits. Know them all online at www.socialsecurity.gov. Retirement — by far is our most popular flavor. Most people need about…

  • Medicare and The Working Individual

    Are you going to stop working when you are 65 years old? If you are like some people in Hawaii — you love your job and you aren’t ready to stop working just because you are eligible for Medicare. What happens then? Do you have to sign up for Medicare? Will you be penalized if…

  • Strong Families Survive

    In June we celebrate National Family Month, which is a great time to reflect on your family and how to make it stronger. As the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services reminds us, strong families share many valuable qualities: trust, commitment, communication, growth, affection, fun, and love. Strong families are more likely to grow…

  • Social Security: Best Ways to Do Business with SSA

    Many people save time by going online to take care of everyday tasks. For example, they shop online to avoid going to crowded malls or stores. They pay bills and check their account balances online to save a trip to the bank. It’s true of Social Security business, too. You can save a lot of…

  • Hitting a Home Run with Medicare

    Seeing Coach Murakami on the cover made me think about how much Medicare and baseball have in common. Practice and being prepared for the big game is one way to hit a home run. It’s the same idea with Medicare. Innings (In Medicare they are called Enrollment Periods) Initial Enrollment Period is when you are…

  • Women & Retirement: Myth vs. Reality

    Are you dreaming of a leisurely retirement enjoying a second cup of morning coffee, or is a sunrise round of golf more your speed? Either way, know the facts so you can guide your retirement dreams to reality. Historically the road to retirement hasn’t been smooth for women. In fact, the Social Security Administration (SSA)…

  • How to Take Social Security Right on Time

    Now that the Baby Boomers have begun reaching retirement age, one key decision is looming for them—when to claim Social Security benefits. And that choice is as complicated and varied as the individuals making it. Social Security? Yes, if you’re a member of the Boomer generation, there will be Social Security benefits for you when…