Tag: retiring

  • Tips for Transitioning Into Retirement

    Retirement marks the end of a chapter in your career and the start of a new lifestyle. This unique transition can bring a myriad of emotions, most commonly, excitement and apprehension. If you’re pondering retiring in the next year or so, here are five tips to help you transition smoothly.

  • Life in a Retirement Community

    Retirement communities are a lot like cruise ships. There’s a lot of excitement and options to choose from, including delicious cuisine, opportunities to relax, read and watch movies. There’s also time to talk story with neighbors and participate in activities such as hula and art classes, tai chi, water aerobics and more. You’ve worked hard…

  • Deborah Stone-Walls: Sailing Forward

    A storm of aging is raging in America: Waves of retiring baby boomers on a tide of super seniors in need of ever-increasing care; a torrent of requests swamping eldercare agencies and charities; and financial gales battering seniors and their families as they try to shelter in place. Deborah Stone-Walls, Maui County Office on Aging…