Tag: religion
Choosing the Road Less Traveled
Maybe you’ve never thought of your life in those terms. But everyone, whether they are aware of it or not, has selected a particular pathway in life. The most popular road seems to be aligned with what the world tells us we need — a nice home, a fancy car, a good job, exciting sports…
Are You Chasing After the Wind?
I have seen all the things that are done under the sun; all of them are meaningless, a chasing after the wind.” Wow, sounds pretty negative doesn’t it. Yet, many men and women who have lived long enough to reach that mythical status known as “the golden years” find out exactly what King Solomon meant…
Eight Words That Saved My Marriage
by Pastor Russ Higa Judy and I were married way back in 1979. She was just 26 and I was 25. While we were dating, I had her on a pedestal. She was my princess and I would buy her gifts and treat her as the most special woman in my life. Soon after we…