Tag: open enrollment
It’s Medicare Season Again!
You know what that means! For millions of Medicare beneficiaries with a Medicare Advantage prescription drug or stand-alone Part D prescription drug plan, Oct. 15 to Dec. 7 is the annual open enrollment period.
A Toolkit for Choosing Health Plan Options
Preparing yourself with the proper tools helps to make any job a bit easier. If you are baking, you need the proper ingredients. When building something, you need hammers, nails and other related items. It’s the same when you are preparing for your Health Plan Open Enrollment session; or if you are a caregiver, for…
Decision Time About Benefits
One of the rites of fall for most employees is the opportunity to review and revise their benefit options for the next year (the next benefits year could start in January or sooner). This is often referred to as the “open enrollment” period. Typically, all employees of a company or organization can make adjustments to…
Medicare and Las Vegas
Now that we have your attention … Medicare is available in all 50 states and territories, including Las Vegas. Now is the time to review your Medicare options for both health and drug plans. Medicare Open Enrollment is November 15th to December 31, 2010, but you can compare options beginning October 15, 2010.
Medicare Has Made Some Changes!
In 2019, a new Medicare Advantage Open Enrollment Period, from January 1 to March 31, will begin and is expected to run annually. If you’re enrolled in a Medicare Advantage Plan, you’ll have the opportunity to switch to another Medicare Advantage Plan or to Original Medicare Parts A and B.