• Uplifting Choices: Playing a Significant Role

    An Uplifting Story If you live long enough, you are likely to have an experience that is life-altering. Right now, there are two families living on the Big Island living out just such an experience; and it started out with a casual conversation between two mothers who are involved with their sons’ softball team. Angie…

  • Time for Thanks!

    Join in on healthy, summer events Every once in a while an opportunity comes along to say, Thank you. We never grow too old to express our thanks, and we should graciously receive thanks from others. In truth, being thankful should be woven into the fabric of life. This is true for individuals and it…

  • New Law for Life

    We all have choices to make in our lives, and if we are thoughtful about the opportunities and problems we face, some of our choices can be uplifting for our families and communities. The same can be said about our local institutions Organ Transplant Legislation Recently the Hawai‘i legislation was passed to allow organ transplantation…