Tag: Medicare
Keep that “Spring” in your Step!
As a Medicare educator and radio host, it’s my passion to keep up with changes that impact Medicare beneficiaries. My radio listening audience is well into their 60s and 70s and octogenarians listen, too. Some are ’69 and ’70 graduates of Roosevelt, Kalani, Kaimuki, and McKinley high schools. Each year, they sponsor “Battle of the Bands”…
Hawaii Five-0: Old Made New Again
Hawaii Five-0 flawlessly executed the eighth season’s Sunset on The Beach premiere. The event attracts thousands of fans from across the world, cheering as the cast arrive at the red carpet, like former Honolulu resident Judy Glassmaker, who returns every year and who grew up watching the original series.
Bumper-to-Bumper Service Checks
Have you taken your car in for its 10,000-mile service checkup? If you are like most car owners who need a reliable car that can go the distance, you schedule an appointment the moment your mechanic sends a reminder. The bumper-to-bumper inspection requires a trained professional to perform an extensive list of tests, including a…
Who Should Think About Medicaid?
An unpleasant fact of life is the prospect of needing long-term care someday. Statistics tell us that 70 percent of Americans will need long-term care for some period of time before death. So it is not just possible, but very likely that you or someone close to you will need long-term care. In Hawai‘i, the…
Medicare and Alzheimer’s Disease
The Hawaii SHIP is repeatedly asked this question, “Does Medicare cover Alzheimer’s Disease?” Medicare’s coverage is based on “medically necessary” procedures, not disease diagnosis. For example, if I go to my doctor and he orders blood to be drawn to see if my medication is at a therapeutic level, Medicare would pay for both the…