Tag: Lana’i

  • Lāna‘i: The Little Island With a Big Heart

    The opening lines of an ancient mele (chant) describes Lāna‘i with the following line — “Hanohano Lāna‘i i ke kauna‘oa, koku kapa ‘ahu‘ula kau po‘ohiwi…” Lāna‘i is distinguished by the lei of kauna‘oa (Cuscuta sandwichiana), which looks like a feather cloak set upon its shoulders. The island of Lāna‘i is sixth in size of the…

  • Maui Mindset

    Maui Mindset

    The Valley Isle has some of the happiest seniors in Hawai‘i. Is it simply a Maui state of mind? Or is there more to it? The fact that each year people from all over the world move to Maui to retire must say something…or perhaps it says a lot. During a recent trip to the Valley…