Tag: Julie Ihara
Solutions to the De-Clutter Dilemma
As Baby Boomers and their parents retire, many are choosing to downsize to a simpler life. With their children out of the nest, many are seeking a more comfortable living environment as they age. Many are choosing to spend their retirement years living in a smaller home, retirement community, or with their adult children. This…
Financial: Home Exemptions for Seniors
Many have told us that their Real Property Taxes seem to be going up. This may be true since our property taxes are a direct relation with the City’s value of the property. The higher the assessed value of your property, the higher your property taxes will be.. We have clients from all over the…
It’s a Good Move
As Baby Boomers begin to retire, many are choosing to downsize to a simpler life. After their children leave the nest, many seek a more comfortable living environment as they enter senior-hood. Some opt to spend their retirement years living in a smaller home, retirement community, or with their adult children. This transition is often…