Tag: help
Support and Resources for Family Caregivers
Because of the often debilitating nature of heart disease or stroke, the effects of those diseases often impact not just the patient, but family members who are placed in the role as caregivers.
Redirection Using Humor
Do you know a Person Living With Dementia (PLWD) who repeatedly asks the same question? Does your loved one obsess about leaving the house so that they can go home? Maybe you know of a grandmother who blames everyone in sight for stealing her items. Challenging behaviors are common among PLWD and care partners are…
Does Mom Need More Help?
How do family members prepare for the day their senior needs more help? The kind of help that requires loved ones to re-prioritize their lives. If only there were a date set aside for this change in everybody’s life. Planning on change at this level has never been easy because a plan may not be…
Having Help Close at Hand if You Fall
Every 13 seconds, an older adult is seen in an emergency department for a fall-related injury. Lower-body weakness, difficulties with walking and balance, and vision problems can make a person more likely to fall. Other causes include home hazards and clutter. Having a medical alert system can reduce a person’s risk of not being able…