Tag: Federal Trade Commission

  • Profiting From a Giving Heart

    With Thanksgiving approaching, we are reminded to be appreciative of what we have; oftentimes, this leads to opening up our hearts (and wallets) to those in need. Unfortunately, there are those who would use dishonesty to profit from a giving heart. Earlier this year the Federal Trade Commission and Attorneys General of 50 states prosecuted and…

  • Don’t Stress Over Fraud

    April is Stress Awareness Month, but one thing that should never cause stress is doing business with Social Security. However, if you fall victim to fraud, it can really stress you out, not to mention damage your credit score and wallet. We encourage you to be cautious of suspicious email, letters, and phone calls or…

  • Knock-Knock. Whoʻs There? Scam Artist—Thatʻs Who!

    Wouldn’t it be so easy if you knew right away who was going to take advantage of you? Sadly this is not the case, and con artists have perfected the art of scamming for generations. We can protect our friends and family by knowing our consumer rights. If someone comes knocking on your door to…