Tag: enrollment
Medicare Q&A
The general enrollment period for Medicare Part B, medical insurance, begins January 1 and runs through March 31. Keep in mind that, although there is no monthly premium for Medicare Part A, there will be a premium for your Medicare Part B. And in most cases, that premium goes up each 12-month period you were…
What’s Special in 2012 with Medicare
The holidays quickly came and went, along with December 7th, which is the end of Medicare’s annual enrollment period. Some folks missed their opportunity to add, change or drop their Medicare plan, and they want to know if they have any options now that the annual enrollment period is over. There are several opportunities to…
Put On Your Thinking Cap: Medicare Annual Enrollment Period
It is that time of year (and this year it is even earlier), when you need to take a moment to think about your Medicare health coverage. Is my plan still meeting my needs? Are my prescription drugs covered? Is it affordable? Are there new plans out there that may better suite my needs? Do…
Getting the Most from Your Medicare
Now is the time to get the most out of your Medicare. The best way to stay healthy is to live a healthy lifestyle. You can live a healthy lifestyle and prevent disease by exercising, eating well, keeping a healthy weight and not smoking. Medicare can help. Medicare pays for many preventive services to keep…