Tag: aid-in-dying
Nonprofit Hospice Care Offers Help, Hope and Guidance Through Uncertain Times
Navian Hawaii’s comprehensive, interdisciplinary program of care is designed to provide patient-centered care for every life journey, offering relief from suffering, support for the entire family, and hope, compassion and love.
Choosing Peace: Our Care, Our Choice
Dying at home can be traumatic for loved ones. We long for a peaceful walk into a beautiful sunset. But most have never seen anyone die and that first indelible experience will stick with us. We may wish to die in our sleep, suffer an accident where we “never knew what happened” or drop dead…
Aid-in-Dying for Terminally Ill Patients
In January 1, 2019, Hawai‘i became just the seventh state in the US to permit medical aid in dying. The Our Care, Our Choice (OCOCA) law allows terminally ill adult patients with capacity to make medical decisions to be prescribed an aid-in-dying medication if all the requirements are met.