Feeding College Athletes: Body, Mind, Soul

Generations Magazine - Feeding College Athletes_image1“Show me a university that is financially secure and I’ll show you its athletic foundation; show me a championship team and I’ll show you a student body academically driven by the same zeal of excellence.” — Gov. John A. Burns




With wisdom and vision, Gov. Burns took $8,000 from his own pocket and created ‘Ahahui Koa Ānuenue (AKA) in 1967, providing the community with a way to contribute financial support to field competitive and successful teams at the University of Hawai‘i. Today, AKA is an efficient nonprofit that raises $6 million annually. Despite its success, UH requires more community financial support than ever.

Recent NCAA rule changes allow universities to provide 24-hour buffets to all athletes, not just those with scholarships, providing the schools with a huge recruiting advantage.

UH seized this opportunity and developed its Supplemental Meal Program, which provides that all student-athletes get one full meal a day.Generations Magazine - Feeding College Athletes_image2

Coaches love this program, which literally feeds the minds, bodies and souls of UH athletes.

Visit www.koaanuenue.org and click the “Apples for Athletes” campaign button.

Jon Kobayashi, President
  |  808-956-6500  |  jon@koaanuenue.org  |  


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