Category: Nov – Dec 2023

  • Genius Tip: Designing Your Game Plan

    Albert Einstein famously said that an intellectual solves problems, while a genius avoids them. Here is an example of how you should employ this mindset when you put your estate plan in place.

  • Grief & Bereavement — Part IX

    In the last article we introduced and discussed the process of the virtuous circle of communication. In this article we will discuss how to communicate in a family meeting.

  • No Kids? 5 Tips for Your Retirement

    Many people build their retirement and estate plans around their children and grandchildren. Everything from where they live, to how they spend their time and money, to the legacy they want to leave behind is considered through the prism of their role as parents and grandparents. For those without kids and grandkids, a different formula…

  • Nurturing Your Financial Freedom

    As we all get older, our needs in life change. That can happen in both large and small ways. But one thing we all need to consider is the journey of long-term financial planning. While that can seem like a huge task, by breaking it down into manageable steps, we can all work towards financial…

  • Helping Dogs Help People

    Assistance Dogs of Hawaii (ADH) began in 2000 with a mission of training Service Dogs to assist people with limited mobility. The Maui based non-profit organization has grown over the last 23 years to provide dogs to a wide array of Hawai‘i residents with special needs.

  • Medicare Can Be A Slam Dunk!

    According to the dictionary a “slam dunk’ is a scoring shot in which a player jumps and forces a ball down through a basket for an effortless shot. Even though the player may be part of a team and has a coach — a “slam dunk” is an individual play.

  • Volunteer to Protect Kūpuna

    Medicare fraud is big business for criminals. Medicare loses approximately $60 billion annually due to fraud, errors and abuse. When thieves steal from Medicare, there is less money for the healthcare we really need.

  • IRA Changes to Part D in 2024

    The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), which cut costs on some insulins and Part D vaccinations in 2023, continues to roll out more money-saving changes to prescription drugs in 2024. Medicare’s Open Enrollment Period (Oct. 15 to Dec.7) is the ideal time to consider how the following changes may affect your choice of healthcare insurance plan.

  • Care & Self-Care Holiday Gifts

    Gearing up for the holidays often means thinking about gifts. Giving them and receiving them! Caregivers in general are givers. Most give of their time; many, of their own resources; and some give their entire personal purpose as they care for another. The Caregiver Foundation (TCF) works to support caregivers, kūpuna, and disabled adults.