Category: Life & Pet

  • Help for Aging Pets & Devoted Owners

    Illness and/or old age and its associated maladies are a fact of life for us all — even our pets. And grief over the loss of a beloved pet may be as intense and as lengthy as when a significant person in our life dies. Those who have lost a pet know the full extent…

  • Protect Your Pets During Hurricane Season

    There is no time like the present to prepare for another hurricane season. As our emergency agencies remind us every year, it is a matter of when, not if… Not only should families have an evacuation and shelter plan… that goes for your little dog, too! Being prepared for a disaster means also having a…

  • The Healing Power of Dogs Helps Kūpuna

    Therapy dogs and service dogs are invaluable to many people, especially kūpuna who suffer from physical disabilities, loneliness, depression or even dementia. What’s the difference between a therapy dog and a service dog?