Category: Issue

  • December 2018 – January 2019

    December 2018 – January 2019

    From a very young age, Carole Kai showed a flair for the dramatic — sometimes pulling a bedsheet off the clothesline and holding it tightly across her shoulders while flying around the backyard like a superhero. Other times, she showed a more businesslike approach — like the time she hosted a boxing match in her…

  • October – November 2018

    October – November 2018

    Former first lady Rosalynn Carter was a caregiver herself and she believed that family caregiving is a cycle of life that touches everyone. In this issue, four people, each at a different point on the cycle, share their care stories from the heart, offering words of wisdom and points of caution. As you read, consider…

  • August – September 2018

    August – September 2018

    As morning dawned on December 5, 1941, a fisherman cast his net along O‘ahu’s north shore. A college student helped his father open a new business. A volunteer took kids to the beach in Waimānalo. It was pretty much like most other days, for most people. But Sunday, December 7, 1941, would become known as…

  • June – July 2018

    June – July 2018

    Generations Magazine celebrates “school pride” with the stories of two retirees who volunteer their time to support their school and its alumni family.

  • April – May 2018

    April – May 2018

    One of the people at the nexus of language revival in Hawai‘i is Dr. Marvin Puakea Nogelmeier

  • February – March 2018

    February – March 2018

    Maintaining a close relationship is more than saying, “I love you.”

  • December 2017 – January 2018

    December 2017 – January 2018

    Wisdom and advice on the needs of the elderly from five Hawaii experts

  • October – November 2017

    October – November 2017

    Compassionate volunteers of Project Dana help seniors in need

  • August – September 2017

    Ukulele master and recording artist Roy Sakuma

  • June – July 2017

    June – July 2017

    Mo’ili’ili Family Ties Oahu’s Mo’ili’ili Community Center