Category: February – March 2017

  • Aloha & Mahalo

    Those who know retired Sen. Susie Chun Oakland are well aware of her passion for Hawai‘i’s ku¯ puna. As an original co-founder of the Ku¯ puna Caucus in early 2016, she served as lead facilitator of caucus meetings held at the State Capitol on the first Friday of every month. Participants in the caucus include…

  • Yay for Online Religion!

    Sometimes as people age, their routines limit their physical ability to attend worship services. This is a significant transition in life for those who have formed their religious practice and social connections at a particular place. The look and sound of one’s house of worship, and the rituals and people encountered in that spiritual setting…

  • Long-Term Care: Where is it Heading?

    The future of long-term care in Hawai‘i has long been the focus of my attention. The problems facing us and suggested reforms were carefully assessed by the Hawai‘i Long-Term Care Commission five years ago. The 2012 “Long-Term Care Reform in Hawai‘i” report gives a good overview of what we all face: “The long-term care system…

  • February – March 2017

    Jeff Apaka: Compassion in Action