Author: Stephen B. Yim, Attorney at Law

  • SECURE Act 2.0

    According to a Federal Reserve System report on the Economic Well-Being of U.S. Households in 2022–May 2023 in 2023, “3/4 of non-retired adults had at least some retirement savings, about 28% did not have any. This share who did not report any retirement savings was up from 25% in 2021. While most non-retired adults had…

  • Communication & Grief

    Grief is a natural response to the loss of someone special. The process of grieving allows the griever to adapt to a new world of existence without the loved one.

  • Minimize Asset Distribution Drama

    Minimize Asset Distribution Drama

    Minimizing estate asset distribution conflicts among survivors proves to be a challenging consequence of death. Hard-to-divide assets such as a family heirloom or the family home can cause the fracturing of relationships.

  • Dealing With Details While Grieving

    With death comes grief, the natural emotional response to losing someone meaningful. With death comes a myriad of complexities that grievers face that can significantly interfere with the natural progression of grief and adaptation to a new life without the significant other person. These complexities, which we call “estate administration,” include: 1) making funeral and…

  • Grief & Bereavement — Part IX

    In the last article we introduced and discussed the process of the virtuous circle of communication. In this article we will discuss how to communicate in a family meeting.

  • Grief & Bereavement — Part VIII

    In Sherry Turkle’s book, Reclaiming Conversation: The Power of Talk In A Digital Age, she writes about the process of the virtuous circle of communication by discussing the poet, Henry David Thoreau’s moving to Waldon Pond to live more deliberately. Thoreau furnished his cabin with three chairs. One chair to represent solitude, where he could…

  • Grief & Bereavement — Part VII

    Estate planning attorneys help their  clients make sound, intentional decisions relating to their estate plans when they manage to help clients minimize guilt, conflict and anxiety. At the same time, survivors should be allowed experience the natural process of grief.

  • Grief & Bereavement — Part VI

    While the attorney is an expert in the estate planning process, the client is the expert about their own life, grief and choices. The attorney, as counselor, helps clients find solutions and make choices as they compassionately facilitate the estate planning process. Holistic planning involves more than probate avoidance and tax minimization. It is person-centered,…

  • Grief & Bereavement — Part V

    Clients who start the estate planning process do so with the knowledge that they will die one day. This death awareness comes with some degree of death anxiety, as  well as anticipatory grief.

  • Grief & Bereavement — Part IV

    All grief starts as anticipatory grief. Dr. Daniel Miller defines the term “anticipatory grief” as the “process of grieving that starts prior to a loved one passing away.”