Author: Shayna Fujimoto

  • Help Hawaii Meals on Wheels Keep Rolling

    Since 1979, Hawaii Meals on Wheels has been serving hot meals to the ku¯puna in need in our communities. The program started as a small committee formed by former State of Hawai‘i librarian Irmgard Hörmann and the Social Ministries Committee of the Lutheran Church of Honolulu. Over time, the organization grew as it sought to…

  • It’s Never Too Late to Learn

    Henry Ford once said, “Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at 20 or 80; anyone who keeps learning stays young.” Na Kupuna is a program that provides seniors an opportunity to do just that. As a part of the University of Hawaii’s Student Equity Excellence Diversity (SEED) initiative, Na Kupuna opens up college courses…

  • ‘Let’s Play Ball!’

    You hear it all the time: To stay healthy, we need to stay active. Yet as we get older, it can be difficult to find the energy and motivation to get out and exercise. Makua Ali‘i, O‘ahu’s premier senior softball league, provides mature athletes an opportunity to stay active and social. The “slow-pitch” softball league…

  • New Service Provides Free Legal Assistance

    When it comes to legal matters, there’s a whole set of terminology that may leave your head spinning. Picking apart the legalese may prove such a daunting task that we may even put off tending to important matters, which can be risky. With so many details to take into consideration, it’s only natural to have…

  • Staying in the Know

    In your younger years, you may have been active in community affairs. But now you don’t get out so much. Maybe your caregiving duties keep you at home more. The good news is, you can still be involved in community affairs from the comfort of your own computer. In the first few months of 2017…

  • A Labor of Love

    Every year, 60,000 Americans are diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease (PD). Of those, many will rely on their families for support. We often define illness as a term relevant only to the one suffering from a particular disease, yet PD reaches far beyond the individual. For example, those serving as caregivers for their loved ones often…