Author: Michael W. K. Yee, Financial Advisor and Certified Financial Planner

  • Should I Downsize After Retirement?

    If you are approaching retirement or are already there, you may be considering downsizing your home. It’s a big decision, with ramifications for both your finances and your lifestyle. Here are some things to keep in mind:■ Decide if a move makes sense. Your needs and priorities may shift in retirement. Perhaps you won’t require…

  • Insurance You May Not Realize You Need

    Insurance is a product for the what-ifs in life. A good insurance policy can reduce the financial impact of an adverse event, mitigate financial losses, provide stability and offer some peace of mind during difficult times. Some insurance coverage is deemed so important, it’s mandated by law. But there is also lesser-known insurance coverage worth…

  • Before Cosigning Your Child’s Loan…

    As your child heads off to college or starts life as an independent young adult, he or she will likely face new financial responsibilities, such as a car purchase, rent or college tuition payments. Given their lack of credit history, it may be difficult for them to obtain a loan without a parent or another…

  • Do You Have Retirement Questions?

    Most hardworking Americans dream about retirement, but the path to get there can be less than clear. For those relatively new to the workforce, the idea of retiring may feel distant and abstract. However, even people who are only a few years from retirement are often perplexed by the decisions they face. While everyone’s journey…

  • No Kids? 5 Tips for Your Retirement

    Many people build their retirement and estate plans around their children and grandchildren. Everything from where they live, to how they spend their time and money, to the legacy they want to leave behind is considered through the prism of their role as parents and grandparents. For those without kids and grandkids, a different formula…

  • Tips for Entering Retirement Solo

    Approximately 23 million Americans ages 65 and older are single, divorced or widowed, according to the most recent data available from the U.S. Census Bureau. That means there are many people in this country who are planning their retirement on their own, without the help of a spouse or partner.

  • Pay Off Debt or Invest: A Balancing Act

    If you find yourself with extra cash — either a lump sum or excess dollars from your monthly paycheck — you may be wondering what to do with it. If you have debt — such as a mortgage or student loans — the prudent option may be to pay off your balances. Yet it might…

  • Tips for Transitioning Into Retirement

    Retirement marks the end of a chapter in your career and the start of a new lifestyle. This unique transition can bring a myriad of emotions, most commonly, excitement and apprehension. If you’re pondering retiring in the next year or so, here are five tips to help you transition smoothly.

  • Money Management for Couples

    We all know couples who fight about money. You may even be in a relationship where finances are a source of tension. It’s no mystery why these kinds of conflicts are so common — money fuels our ability to take care of ourselves and our dependents. Managing it requires discipline and a plan, but often,…