Author: Michael Reed Gach, Ph.D., Acupressure Therapy Author

  • The Art of Pressure

    Have you ever instinctively held your forehead or temples when you’ve had a headache? Everyone at one time or another has used their hands to hold tense or painful places on the body. This is the healing touch of acupressure. Acupressure is an ancient Chinese healing art that uses the fingers to press key pressure…

  • Our Healing Life Force

    The Chinese call healing energy Qi — the life force, or vital energy, that flows through all things in the universe. In Japan, the life force is termed Ki, while yoga practitioners refer to the body’s life force as prana or pranic energy. These terms all relate to the same universal healing energy, which exists…

  • ‘Tis the Season of Merriment & Stress

    Relief is in your hands. Here are points that can be used easily and quickly. The Sea of Vitality (B-23 and B-47) in the lower back, are super important healing points to counteract holiday stress, lower back pain, and health problems due to excess cold. Use these points to boost your immune system! Place your…

  • Acupressure: Points of Relieving Stress

    Everybody suffers from stress from time to time, given the tremendous challenges, options and responsibilities in our busy lives. Stress depresses respiration and causes shallow breathing which can lead to irritability, frustration and fatigue. Many people turn to unhealthy habits like smoking, overeating, and excessive drinking to counteract stress. Instead, you can follow this 10-minute,…

  • Back Pain Due to Injury

    Using acupressure and ice When I have back pain, its usually due to strain and injury due to lifting. This often results in pain hours later, due to the inflammation. In addition to using acupressure points, locally as well as above and below the painful area, I apply ice packs every two hours (for about…

  • Acupressure Weight Loss Program

    For Appetite Balancing, Eating Disorders, Food Cravings and Relieving Constipation The Acupressure Weight Loss and body image program provides an easy daily routine to balance your metabolism, appetite, and body’s energy system. Dieting alone is not enough. By actually working on your body - through gentle stretches, deep breathing, and self-massage on the acupressure points - you can transform…