Author: Jeffrey B. Sisemoore, JD, National Kidney Foundation of Hawaii

  • Make Your Giving Go Further

    Technology has made all of our lives easier. Just by using a smartphone, you can talk to people all over the world, check the weather forecast or reserve a seat on a plane. The true power of the smartphone is how it combines a myriad of tools into a single, sleek device. As you support…

  • A Living Legacy: The Gift of Education

    There are ways you can help your children and grandchildren lower the price of higher education. One of the best ways is to establish and contribute to a qualified 529 plan. Contributions grow tax-free; distributions to the student for education expenses are also free of federal tax, and in general, state tax, as well. If…

  • Rollover Your IRA for Good

    Rollover Your IRA for Good by Jeffrey B. Sisemoore, JD, National Kidney Foundation of Hawaii from the Oct-Nov 2016 issue of Generations Magazine, Hawai‘i’s Resource for Life

  • Giving Retirement Assets

    Giving Retirement Assets by Jeffrey B. Sisemoore, JD, National Kidney Foundation of Hawaii from the August-September 2016 issue of Generations Magazine, Hawai‘i’s Resource for Life

  • Will You Leave a Legacy?

    Will You Leave a Legacy by Jeffrey B. Sisemoore, JD, National Kidney Foundation of Hawaii from the June-May 2016 issue of Generations Magazine, Hawai‘i’s Resource for Life

  • Increase Your Retirement Funds

    If you are like many people, you are looking for a way to create funds and security for your future. If you own low-interest CDs or underperforming stocks, one idea is to transfer these assets to a qualified nonprofit organization in exchange for a charitable gift annuity. In return, the charity agrees to make payments…

  • Knowledge is a Gift

    We talk a lot about gifts and how to structure your gifts for maximum benefit. But one of the best gifts we can give ourselves is knowledge to stay healthy. Aging gracefully also preserves our savings and financial resources for our later years and for our heirs. Many nonprofit organizations offer public information about your…

  • 2016 Tax Planning that Works for You

    Are you looking for ways to reduce capital gains tax on the sale of your appreciated assets, save and plan for the future or save on your income taxes? A planned gift can help you achieve your goals. It’s possible to increase your income now or in the future and save money on taxes —…

  • Smart Ideas for Year-End Benefits

    With the end of the year just around the corner, you may want to review your financial situation. Make a list to ensure that you take full advantage of all available tax-saving deductions. Here are some ideas for year-end planning that can benefit you and help support your favorite charity too. Charitable Contributions — A…

  • What Legacy Will You Leave?

    You may be surprised to learn that an estimated 70 percent of American adults have not yet made a will or trust, even though these documents are vitally important to all individuals and families. For those who never complete their estate plans, the government will apply a series of laws that may or may not…