Author: Annette Pang, Relationship Life Coach

  • Rev Up Your Mother-Daughter Relationship!

    As an adult daughter, do you  ever feel like a little girl when conversations with your mother end in misfires, teary rants or silence? You’re not alone — it happens this way for 43.5 percent of us. However, there’s hope. By using ASK Presetting, you can stop walking on eggshells.

  • Boomers’ Declaration of Independence

    If something happens and you are in need of help, will your family and friends be fumbling at a time when every minute counts? Do they know where you keep your keys, computer passwords, bank account numbers, meds, medical directives, will and estate plan?  

  • Family Caregivers’ R & R

    It’s a mistake for family caregivers to forget about their own well-being while caring for their loved ones. Many feel guilty for taking time off for a spa day or a staycation. I encourage them to accept it’s perfectly OK to get away and return reinvigorated and refreshed.

  • Words, Tone, Compassion… Harmony

    By this time, even though the presidential election is behind us, many of us are still stinging from the words we heard as our candidates aired their differences. Whether we regard these exchanges as pleasurable or punishing, I recall one bright spot in the second debate, when a town hall attendee asked the candidates to…

  • How to Chill Hot and Spicy…

    How to Chill Hot and Spicy by Annette Pang, Relationship Life Coach from the Oct-Nov 2016 issue of Generations Magazine, Hawai‘i’s Resource for Life

  • Team Huddle and Huckleberry Pie

    Team Huddle and Huckleberry Pie by Annette Pang, Relationship Life Coach from the August-September 2016 issue of Generations Magazine, Hawai‘i’s Resource for Life

  • Sentimental Journals

    Sentimental Journals by Annette Pang, Relationship Life Coach from the June-May 2016 issue of Generations Magazine, Hawai‘i’s Resource for Life

  • Family Peacekeeping

    In the heat of the moment, worn-out family caregivers’ words can offend, bully or sting: “How come I am the only one at Mom’s when she trips and falls between one and five a.m.? “Why do you get to live rent-free at Mom’s home? “Dad just spits out your tough stew meat!” Opinions and loose…

  • New Ways to View Alzheimer’s Disease

    Candy Crowley, CNN chief political correspondent, once said about her mom, who had Alzheimer’s disease in 2012, “I want to tell you how much I miss my mother. I miss her most when I’m sitting across from her.” Crowley, her siblings and numerous families have similar reactions and remorse when they realize that their aging…

  • Live and Die Without Regret

    No matter where we stand, when people close to us die, a moment of personal truth emerges based on our perspective. When we lose someone dear to us, we undergo a time of deep connection to those who are still living and to ourselves. We grieve. We rejoice. We replay special moments — laughing and…