Sentimental Journals

In 1945, Doris Day sang, “Gonna take a sentimental journey. Gonna set my heart at ease. Gonna make a sentimental journey, to renew old memories.” This popular song became an unofficial homecoming greeting for returning veterans at end of WWII. Couples probably slow-danced and swayed to it, cheek-to-cheek. Elders sing it today, recalling exactly where they were at the end of the war.

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Do you know the songs your parents sang; their first kiss; snacks they loved to eat? Did their dreams come true or pass by? Have you heard their “pearls of wisdom” or “pet peeves?” Is it too late to ask?

Legendary Wisdoms journals are the perfect way to drill deep into your elders’ memories and discover their bucket list, how they tick and their “forgitaboutits.” Visit and download a complimentary copy of Legendary Wisdoms, and help fill the pages with your elders’ memories for you and your family to savor for generations to come.

Journaling is an excellent way to spark lively conversations and harvest stories your kūpuna have locked inside. The pages progress from trivia to introspection of precious memories. As a loved one, you can help by listening or by writing down their thoughts and memories; you will share amazing revelations, giggles, laughter, tears and enjoy closer connections. Don’t miss a richly rewarding and priceless “word and time” gift. Take a sentimental journey to renew memories with your loved one before it’s too late.


Annette Pang is a relationship coach for family caregivers and their elders.
808-372-3478  |


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