The Legacy of the 100th Infantry Battalion

Since it was built in 1952, the unassuming one-story building long known as Club 100 on Kamoku Street in Honolulu served as a gathering place for veterans of the legendary 100th Infantry Battalion. The battalion originated as a primarily all-Japanese-American combat unit during World II. These Hawai‘i-born soldiers were the first Japanese American combat unit to serve in WWII. They proved their loyalty to their country, the US, despite the fact that Japanese Americans were considered enemy aliens at the time. For their bravery and sacrifices, the 100th/442nd Regimental Combat Team would be recognized as the most decorated unit for its size and length of service in the history of the US military.

Last year marked the 81st anniversary of the formation of the 100th Infantry Battalion (Separate). To date, there are 10 known soldiers who are still alive and able to tell their stories. As our veterans pass on, the stories of their valor will also begin to fade in the memories of our children and our community. Hawai‘i needs to act now to ensure their legacy lives on for generations to come.

The 100th Infantry Battalion Veterans organization and its partners, ‘Iolani School, the University of Hawai‘i’s Center on Aging and Central Pacific Bank are committed to keeping their stories alive through the Legacy2Action challenge, now in its third year. Through project-based learning, students identify an important community issue and take action by creating and implementing an innovative project aligned with the unit’s values.

The students’ 2023 projects were creative and uplifting, addressing wide-ranging issues. Two focused on homelessness and community-building, culminating in the production of art kits and writing activities for houseless children. Other projects focused on climate change, environmental and intergenerational programs.

The 100th Infantry Battalion Veterans organization is calling on middle and high school students, teachers and club leaders to help keep the memory of these Hawai‘i heroes alive.

2430 Campus Road, Honolulu, HI 96822
For more information, contact
Written in collaboration with the 100th Infantry Battalion Veterans Organization and ‘Iolani School.


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