Tag: Social Security

  • New Benefit Verification Letters

    Social Security (SS) has released a new, standardized Benefit Verification letter. People receiving SS or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits can obtain their letter by using their personal my Social Security account. You can use the letter as proof of income for loans and housing assistance verification purposes.

  • What’s in a Name?

    If you are a bride-to-be planning a wedding, there’s so much to do: get the dress; choose a caterer; book a venue; select the flowers. But there’s one more important thing you may need to put on your list: contact Social Security if there’s going to be a name change.

  • Tools to Help Your Decide When to Retire

    These days, everyone is taking a new look at their finances—and no one is looking more closely than the millions of baby boomers who are nearing retirement age. While some boomers expected to retire at one of the traditional milestones, such as age 62, the current economy is forcing many of them to re-evaluate their…

  • The Donut Hole

    On May 29, 2010 my husband and I were enjoying a vacation in the Pacific Northwest when we received a “frantic” call from my sister-in-law who was staying with my 92-year-old mother-in-law. We had ordered a refill of Mom’s medication through her Medicare Part D plan. The plan called to see if it was okay…

  • How to Get or Replace a SS Card

    Now that your Hawai‘i driver’s license does not have your Social Security number on it, you may need to get an original or replacement card to use as a separate piece of identification. Getting or replacing your Social Security card is a free service. You can use a my Social Security account to request a…

  • Track Social Security Earnings Online

    Social Security is an earned benefit. SS keeps track of your earnings so you can be payed the benefits you’ve earned over your lifetime. This is why reviewing your SS earnings record is so important. You can do much of your business with SS online.

  • Education on Social Security

    I’m trying to figure out how much to save for my retirement. Does the government offer any help with financial education? Will my son be eligible to receive benefits on his retired father’s record while going to college?

  • Service Employment Program in Action

    Many seniors approaching retirement age have not built up adequate savings in their Social Security accounts. By finding employment before taking SS withdrawals, seniors can build up accounts and ensure a healthier retirement payments when the time comes. The Honolulu Community Action Program Inc. administers the Senior Community Service Employment Program for low-income seniors who…

  • Continuing SS Benefits After 19

    My child who gets Social Security will be attending his last year of high school in the fall. He turns 19 in a few months. Do I need to fill out a form for his benefits to continue? Yes. You should receive a SSA-1372-BK form in the mail about three months before your son’s birthday.…

  • Still Working? Got Medicare?

    Our parents may have had an easier time than many of us do now. When they turned 65 years old, they were eligible for full Social Security retirement benefits and Medicare. Today, depending on the year you were born, your full SS may not take effect until you are 67, so you may continue to…