Tag: keiki
It’s a Special Relationship: Tūtū and Me
When someone says the word “preschool,” you might think of drop-off centers, where dozens of children are offloaded to bustling classrooms with strictly scheduled snack times, naps and play. Such an image couldn’t be farther from reality with Partners in Development Foundation’s Tūtū and Me Traveling Preschool.
When Grandparents Become Parents Again
What would you do if your daughter or son was suddenly unable to take care of their keiki? Have you ever thought about becoming a parent after retirement? This decision for families is often unexpected and comes under very difficult circumstances. About three million children in the U.S. are being raised by a grandparent. The…
What Is The Blue Zones Project?
Children who attend Seagull Schools in Kapolei have a special bond with seniors at Seagulls Adult Day Center. Not only do the kūpuna and keiki regularly meet to play bingo, exercise on the lawn and do arts and crafts, but they also dine together.