Tag: children
It’s a Special Relationship: Tūtū and Me
When someone says the word “preschool,” you might think of drop-off centers, where dozens of children are offloaded to bustling classrooms with strictly scheduled snack times, naps and play. Such an image couldn’t be farther from reality with Partners in Development Foundation’s Tūtū and Me Traveling Preschool.
Adequate, Equal, Equitable, or Fair?
We often struggle with the concepts of equal, equitable, fair, and adequate when it comes to the distribution of our assets among our children. Understanding the meaning of each term helps us make the decision that most closely reflects our intention.
Educating Adult Children About Saving
Many parents, in addition to planning for their own future, care deeply about helping their children find their financial footing as they enter adulthood. Having spent decades building up their nest eggs for retirement, they recognize the power of long-term financial planning and hope their children will capture the same benefits by starting to invest…