Tips for Healthy Knees

The majority of patients who come into my office do not realize they lock or hyper-extend their knees while standing or walking. They often do this out of habit or because of weakness. Generally, locking your knees transfers stress from supporting muscles to the knee joint, compressing it. The result is decreased mobility and blood flow and increased friction that can lead to pain or wearing away of the joint.

Great Partnerships

When you think of great partnerships, what comes to mind? Abbott and Costello? Sonny and Cher? Cecilio and Kapono? How about your brain and your ears? Your hearing health depends greatly on how well your brain and ears work together. Your brain counts on the ears to collect sounds and deliver them to be interpreted as meaningful information. It is this partnership that enables us to understand and communicate with others.


Last year in the United States, sales of organic food and products topped $48 billion — that’s up almost 10 percent over the previous year, according to the Organic Trade Association. And while this growing industry is showing no signs of stopping, organic farming is hardly a trend; it’s how our parents and grandparents tended to their crops and cattle. Then in the 1950s, pesticides and artificial fertilizers were introduced — creating what is now called “conventionally-grown” food. So what’s the difference and why does it matter?

Self-Care, Self-Healing the Natural Way

Last school year I fell down half a flight of stairs, bruising my left hip. It was an accident where I was just happy I didn’t break anything. At age 63, I should have been more careful! X-rays indicated the need for a hip replacement but, since I’d been practicing self-care for the past fifteen years by using wellness products, I thought I already had everything needed for my body to heal itself.

Exercise – a Panacea. Part 1: Arthritis

A healthy joint is like two smooth pieces of paper sliding against each other. Arthritis, joint damage, is like adding crinkles to the papers, with the friction causing pain and problems. However, in severe cases, and even with bone-on-bone degeneration, having no pain with “activities of daily living” is easily obtainable with a lot of hard work and the right treatments.